Mekorama is a puzzle game developed by Swedish developer Martin Magni for the Nintendo Switch. It’s available for iOS, Android, and Nintendo Switch. This puzzle game lets players create their custom levels and can be played on any device. If you’ve never played the game before, here’s a quick guide to help you get started. Also, learn how to edit levels in the game. There are dozens of ways to customize the game’s level editor, so you can create any type of level you like!
The gameplay of Mekorama is a puzzle game with a unique twist. You guide a robotic B through various stages until he reaches safety. There are many ways to complete the game, and you can choose to make your journey more challenging by completing more stages. The game will give you a good dose of puzzle-solving practice if you enjoy playing games that require you to think on your feet.
Mekorama is a game that allows players to construct their levels. With its superb mechanics and stunning visuals, Mekorama will be a joy to play. It’s one of the best puzzle platform games currently on the market. You should try it to see if it’s right for you! Check out our Mekorama walkthrough to learn all the answers and solutions to each level. Here’s how to clear the hardest levels in the game.
Mekorama controls are very simple, though they can be tricky to master. To move the robot, simply tap the screen. You can rotate the camera as well as zoom in and out by swiping Left or Right. This game also features controller-based controls, so you can also control the camera by tapping it. You can also easily move the platform, but that isn’t a big problem. Ultimately, Mekorama is a fun, unique puzzle game.
Mekorama has excellent touch controls. The game’s interface was designed for mobile devices. Using your finger on the screen to move the robot will let you adjust the controls. However, there are some difficult levels in the game, and Mekorama controls make them difficult. The game has a level editor, but it’s buried in a menu, and you can’t share your creations with other players. You can only save a level once you’ve completed it, and then save it again.
Level editor
Mekorama comes with a level editor that lets you create your levels. You can add blocks, change the color of a block, and even upload a QR code. You can even create objects and use them in your levels using a reverse-engineered QR code. You can even share your levels with other Mekorama users. This app is a great tool for those who want to make their games.
The Mekorama level editor is a fantastic tool for anyone who wants to create unique levels. The app includes an option to share the levels that others can play, as long as they have the same level. Mekorama is a puzzle game reminiscent of Monument Valley, but with a unique twist – you can create your levels! You can share your levels with friends or family so that everyone can enjoy them!
If you’re looking for a new puzzle game, try Pace in Mekorama. Its levels are designed to fit in a QR code, making them very small and consuming less space than you’d think. And the game itself is relaxing, with the right amount of challenge. You’ll be happy to learn that the game doesn’t become addictive until you’ve completed all 10,000 levels. If you’ve been wondering whether to play Pace in Mekorama, think again.
The slow pace of the game makes it ideal for drop-in play or a snippet here and there. It’s not a game that lends itself to long sessions of playing. It’s a bit like solving a picross or sudoku puzzle. Ultimately, though, Pace in Mekorama is worth the investment. So what can you expect? Read on to find out if Mekorama is for you.
Level design
If you’ve played other games like Captain Toad or Treasure Tracker, you’ll be familiar with Mekorama’s 3D rotating levels and lack of jump. But while the game has a similar style and cutesy presentation, it’s a little too simplistic for our taste. Mekorama also lacks deep themes, and the game’s difficulty is often unforgiving. Still, if you enjoy a game that combines cutesy style and thoughtful level design, you’ll probably enjoy Mekorama.
While creating a level in Mekorama, it’s important to follow the general guidelines of the genre. If you’re looking to design a level with unique mechanics, first create a test level with a simple layout. Then style the level to suit your idea. Try to make the areas where the player taps easy to reach. For example, a central pillar is more effective than a wall, since the exit button will trigger automatically if the player reaches it.